Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Starting Fresh

After suffering from at least 1 ear infection a month since Sept. princess is seeing a ENT tomorrow and hopefully having tubes put in shortly after. These past few months have been very hectic and stressful. Here's a little run down and maybe you'll understand why I took a mini break

October of last year our ped. talked to us about pediatric adhd for tink. I had done very minimal looking into as everywhere I looked said that they had to be school-aged to be diagnosed. I figured it was something that would have to wait. Thankfully our ped. specializes in pediatric adhd and was a light at the end of our dark tunnel with tink's behavior. We gathered all of the information from him, took it home and read it and decided to just track her behavior at home and pray. At the end of January I took her back in and said I wanted to continue on with the adhd evaluation, we talked and asked questions and left the office with several forms for everyone to fill out, including her teacher's at pre-school. Two weeks later we got the official diagnosis and started her on some meds at very low doses. Here we are about a month later and OMG! My child can actually sit and read or play with her toys. She can focus at pre-school and we have heard her talk more and more. Now...she is 3, almost 4, so life is still tough with her but at least I'm just dealing with normal toddler stuff instead of normal toddler stuff AND uncontrolled impulses. It was a hard decision and one that did not come without negative thoughts from other people. But in the end it was the best decision for her and those who think I'm drugging my child just for my sake obviously weren't around pre-diagnosis. Now all while that was going on we also were in the midst of being evaluated for speech and language programs through the school board. Thankfully we are at the end of our journey and go next week for her final evaluation that will place her in the programs she needs. Just as we were pushing things off our plate and saying 'Thanks, we're stuffed' life scooped up another helping and said 'Here ya go!' Palms meet head and scream! Now it seems as if tink will be having a MRI within the next month or so for a possible closed NTD. Now its something that has to be just stinks that she has to be sedated. She is not a fan of having things on her face and does NOT do well with stranger's :/

I know that this too shall pass....just like any other tough season in my life and I'm thankful that I have my 2 little girls to keep me on my toes. It feels to good to "write" it out. Some days just seems like a blur and I wake up the next day and think 'did that really happen?'
On happier notes the weather is starting to warm up and that means Spring is right around the corner! In fact I've been told that today shorts,a tank top and flip flops are passable :) Oh how I can't wait to be out of this house and do things. But for now its back to spring cleaning....we've got a birthday party and in-laws coming for a visit next month!

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